- 上线新域名:riboseyim.com
- 恢复:七牛云图床故障
- 发布:写作工具链v5
- 推荐工具:AutoJump
- 解决七牛云“测试”域名回收导致的图床故障
- 提高墙内用户的访问速度和稳定性
以下图床域名统一更新为:http://riboseyim-qiniu.riboseyim.com 。
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| http://o8m8ngokc.bkt.clouddn.com http://og2061b3n.bkt.clouddn.com http://ogtqvs10n.bkt.clouddn.com http://okkuj60pj.bkt.clouddn.com http://omaxozji3.bkt.clouddn.com http://omb2onfvy.bkt.clouddn.com http://ombx24fbq.bkt.clouddn.com http://osgiyhxhy.bkt.clouddn.com http://ot6idm48o.bkt.clouddn.com http://p11slcnom.bkt.clouddn.com

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| $ git clone https://github.com/giscafer/hexo-theme-cafe.git themes/cafe
$ grep 'clouddn.com' ./*.md | awk -F '(' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.com' '{print $1}' > oldomain.log $ sort -n oldomain.log | uniq > oldomin.list $ gsed -e "s/old/new/g" sourcefile > targetfile
autojump 记录你访问过的文件夹(包括记录访问频率进而调整权重),通过路径 cache 实现文件夹位置快速切换。
了解更多细节请查看 DevOps 资讯 | 是时候升级你的命令行了
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| git clone git://github.com/wting/autojump.git cd autojump ./install.py or ./uninstall.py
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| aca80164:~ kurui$ j -s 10.0: /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.com 50.0: /Users/yanrui/project-third/autojump 50.0: /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.github.io/source/_posts ________________________________________
109: total weight 3: number of entries 0.00: current directory weight
data: /Users/yanrui/Library/autojump/autojump.txt aca80164:~ kurui$ aca80164:~ kurui$ cd project/ebook-linuxperfmaster/ aca80164:ebook-linuxperfmaster kurui$ j -s 10.0: /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.com 14.1: /Users/yanrui/project/ebook-linuxperfmaster 50.0: /Users/yanrui/project-third/autojump 50.0: /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.github.io/source/_posts ________________________________________
124: total weight 4: number of entries 14.14: current directory weight
data: /Users/yanrui/Library/autojump/autojump.txt aca80164:ebook-linuxperfmaster kurui$ aca80164:ebook-linuxperfmaster kurui$ j post /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.github.io/source/_posts aca80164:_posts kurui$ pwd /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.github.io/source/_posts aca80164:_posts kurui$ j -s 10.0: /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.com 22.4: /Users/yanrui/project/ebook-linuxperfmaster 50.0: /Users/yanrui/project-third/autojump 52.0: /Users/yanrui/project/riboseyim.github.io/source/_posts ________________________________________
134: total weight 4: number of entries 51.96: current directory weight
data: /Users/yanrui/Library/autojump/autojump.txt aca80164:_posts kurui$